EST-01835/22 – ELLU
b. 17.02.2022
v. Always wins for Vigo Erle
m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii
color: Tanpoint (no official name)
Genotype: E/- ky/ky at/- B/-
A locus haplotype: VP2 HCP3-5
Ellu is a playful five-month-old puppy. I planned to keep one female from the litters of DiiDii and Vigo. Since there have been only 3 female puppies in the litters, one of went to Germany, one to Estonia for long-distance, so Ellu was the last and will mean the last, because according to the breeding regulations of the Estonian Kennel Association, in Estonia a one pair of parents is allowed to have only two litters in a lifetime, and they are done. Ellu will definitely grow to a large size, a long slender female, her birth weight was 650g. Very similar to his 2-year-old full brother Hambutu(look male dogs). By nature, he is very wise and friendly, but he always hassles his brothers, and when the brothers hurt him, there is trouble in the house. I have to remind him all the time that Ellu don’t get nervous. 🙂 Sometimes there is a moment of rest as you can see in the photos and immediately she can play again.
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EST-03050/20 s: 03.06.2020 i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle e: Agirregoikoa DiiDii ei: Reebook`s Ocean
"RAPSU" on kahtlemata suuretulevikuga väga noor koer, kes jooksis 2022 aasta veebruari kuust on esimestel võistlustel. Ta on suur, tugev ja kiire. Nii nagu kõik noored koerad jooksis ka tema esimesel hooajal tagarattana aga hooaja lõpus oli võimeline juba iseseisvalt rakendit juhtima nii, et suure tõenäosusega saab temast ka suurepärane juhtkoer. Mis mulle tema juures eriti meeldib on Rapsu sõbralikkus nii täiskasvanud koerte kui ka kutsikate suhtes- ta on valmis mängima kõigiga, ta on väga sotsiaalne ja käib perepojaga koos külapeal tšillimas :) Oma sini-pruunide silmadega ja must-oraanži värvusega on rapsu üks väga nägus noormees :)
EST-03050/20 v: 03.06.2020 m: Always Wins Vigo For Erle e: Agirregoikoa DiiDii mv: Reebook`s Ocean
"RAPSU" is undoubtedly a young dog with a great future. He is big, strong and fast. He started racing in 2022 February and like all young dogs, he ran his first season in wheel position, but at the end of the season he was already able to run in lead and he will most likely become an excellent lead dog in the future. What I especially like about him is Rapsu's friendliness towards both adult dogs and puppies- he is happy to play with everyone, he is very social and goes chilling with our son in the village 🙂 Rapsu is a very handsome young man with his blue-brown eyes and black-orange color 🙂
s: 08.04.2019 i: Always Wins Vigo for Erle e. Arctic Storm
Sassenack on äärmiselt võimekas, jõuline ja kiire, pigem suuremat kasvu emane siberi haski. Ta on selline emane kes on võimeline isastega võrdselt tööd tegema. 2022 hooajal ainult kahe aastasena saavutasid nad koos venna Remarque ja Silveriga Östersundi MM-il hõbemedali. Sassuga on meil 2023 aasta kevasdeks päris kindlad aretusplaanid, kosjas käidud ja väljavalitu olemas väga kaugel Eestist. Kutsikad on plaanis enamus endale jätta, sõltub mitu sünnib ja siis otsustame mitu loovutusse anname. :) Aga ühest veel sündimata pesakonnast nii õhinas nagu praegu veel olnud ei ole. :) Oma üliaktiivsele iseloomule veab rakendit pigem taga pool, kuid suudab vabalt ka rakendi juhtkoer olla. Ta on hea söögiisuga ja kiiresti kosuv, väga kerge on teda üle sööta. Peame tema dieeti natuke rangemalt järgima kui teistel koertel. Sassenacki üks vendadest(Turbo) on Venemaal suures spordis ja tuli juba 2021 aastal DS1 RBN klassis Venemaa meistriks. Sassu vennad on veel Tintinabuli ja Marki.
b: 08.04.2019 v: Always Wins Vigo For Erle m: Arctic Storm
Sassenack is an extremely capable, strong and fast, rather larger female Siberian husky. She is the kind of female who is able to work equally with males. In the 2022 season, as only two years old, together with their brother Remarque and Silver, they won a silver medal at the Östersund WC. With Sassu, we have very definite breeding plans for the spring of 2023, we have courted and our lover is very far from Estonia. We plan to keep most of the puppies, it depends on how many are born and then we will decide how many we will donate. :) But I've never been so excited about a yet-to-be-born litter. :) Sassu has a very active nature, in the team is rather the back wheele, but can also freely be the teams's lead dog. He has a good appetite and recovers quickly, it is very easy to overfeed him. We have to follow his diet a bit more strictly than other dogs. One of Sassenack's brothers (Turbo) is in big sports in Russia and already became the Russian champion in the DS1 RBN class in year 2021.
s.18.02.2022 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Agirregoikoa DiiDii värvus: Punane KB Domino Tanpoint (ametlik nimi puudub) Genotüüp: eA/- KB/- at/- b/b Red Tanpoint (ametlik nimi puudub) Genotüüp: E/- ky/ky at/- B/- lookuse haplotüüp: VP2 HCP3-5 Selle värvusega koerad on täpselt nagu mustal põhinev versioon, kuid must pigment on nüüd pruun.
WASABI on tõsine poiss, väga harva sekkub tittede(õed-vennad) mängu aga mõnikord ikka. Jälgib vanemaid koeri ja püüab neid jäljendada. See omadus oli kõikidel praegustel juhtkoeradel kutsikana nii, et Vassu on suure tõenäosusega tulevane juhtkoer. Wasabi 2 aastane koopia jookseb praegu Norra radadel ja pidi superkoer olema :) Nii, et ootused tema suhtes on kõrged. Nii suurt kutsikat kui Vassu meil varem olnud ei olegi, sündides kaalus ta 705 grammi, tõeline hiiglane. Ühel pildil seisab ta viiekuusena oma 2 aastase venna AC/DC kõrval - no, napilt jääb veel vennale turjakõrguselt alla. :)
b. 18.02.2022 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii color: Red KB Domino Tanpoint (no official name) Genotype: eA/- KB/- at/- b/b Red Tanpoint (no official name) Genotype: E/- ky/ky at/- B/- locus haplotype: VP2 HCP3-5 Dogs with this color are just like the black-based version, but the black pigment is now brown.
WASABI is a serious boy. Follows older dogs and tries to imitate them. All current lead dogs had this feature as a puppy, so Vassu is most likely a future lead dog. A 2-year-old copy of Wasabi is currently running on Norwegian tracks and whose owners highly praise him. :) So the expectations for him are high. We have never had a puppy as big as Vassu before, when he was born he weighed 705 grams, a real giant. In one of the pictures, he is five months old standing next to his 2-year-old brother AC/DC - well, he's still slightly shorter than his brother in height. :)
sünd: 08.04.2019 e: Arctic Storm i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle
Catness on väga ilusa ekstrejööriga, kuiva kehaehitusega, kiire ja ilmeka väljanägemisega noor emane tööliini siberi haski. Kui tekib vajadus kedagi kiiret ratta ette leida siis valime just tema. Iseloomult on Kätu ülisõbralik lipitseja, kui nii võib öelda. Karjas toimetab pigem omaette. Jalutusringi esimeses pooles on ta kuhugi kadunud aga teises pooles läheneb mulle iga 100 meetri tagant, peas moosivarga nägu ja nõuab oma silitused kätte. :) Rakendis teeb ausalt tööd ja võib joosta nii liidri positsioonil kui ka taga pool. Sel hooajal käis mingi krõps ja Kätu muutus ideaalseks liiderkoeraks, täidab koerajuhi käsklused poolelt sõnalt. Ja kuna ta on ka väga kiire siis enamus treeningud ja võistlused jookseb Kätu liidri positsioonil. Kui plaanid täide lähevad, siis plaanime temalt tulevikus ühte pesakonda kutsikaid.
b: 08.04.2019 e: Arctic Storm i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle
Catness is a young female working-line siberian husky with a very beautiful exterior, dry build, quick and expressive appearance. If there is a need to find someone fast in front of the team, we choose him. By nature, Kätu is a very friendly slob, if you can say so. In pride rather delivers on his own. In the first half of the walk, he has disappeared somewhere, but in the second half, he approaches me every 100 meters with the face of a jam thief on his head and demands his petting. :) In team she works honestly and can run both in the leader's position and in the back wheels. This season, something happend and Kätu turned into an ideal leader dog, she listens and reads commands immediately and correctly. And since Kätu runs in the team leading position in most training sessions and competitions. If the plans come true, we are planning one litter of puppies from him in the future.
EST-03858/18 s. 07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e. Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nuuno on meie kenneli kõige häbelikum koer. Ta on kõige suurem töömees kui hoo sisse saab. Olen temaga vist kõige rohkem võistelnud kui kellegi teisega. Start on tema häbelikkuse pärast nõrk koht aga, kui hoog juba sees siis on nagu igiliikur, kes isegi mäest ülesse ei jää traavi. Nagu piltidelt näha saab peale minu edukalt ka teistega võistelda. Kõige parem on teda kasutada DS2 distsipliinides, sest talle annab julgust mõte, et kõrval jookseb teine koer. Siis valimegi tavaliselt Nuunole kõrvale mõne väikse ja kiire emase nagu Jou-Lii või Käts. Kutsikana ei olnud ta üldse arg. Argus tuli peale ühes treeningus juhtunud õnnetust. Sellega ma tõendan oma väidet, et arad koerad ei sünni, vaid koeraga peab olema mingi trauma seotud. Muidu on ta üks väga nunnu Nuuno! :)
EST-03858/18 b. 07.06.2018 v: Reebook's Ocean m. Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nuuno is the shyest dog in our kennel. He is the biggest worker when he gets going. I've probably competed with him more than with anyone else. Start is a weak spot because of his shyness, butwhen the momentum is already there, it's like a perpetual motion machine, who doesn't stop galloping even up the hill. As you can see from the pictures, he can successfully compete with others besides me. He is best used in DS2 Disciplines, because the thought of another dog running next to him gives him courage. Then we usually choose a small and fast female like Jou-Lii or Käts next to Nuuno. As a puppy, he was not at all timid. The shynes came after an accident in one of the training sessions. With this I prove my statement that fearful dogs are not born, but there must be some trauma related to the dog. Otherwise, he is one very cute Nuuno! 🙂
s. 08.07.2018 i. LUMIKIISAN HUSKY WAUDE e. ARE TO RUN OLIVE värvus: Aguuti Genotüüp: E/- ky/ky aw/- B/- või Em/- ky/ky aw/- B/- lookuse haplotüüp: VP2 HCP2
Aguuti on esivanemate fenotüüp ja on tänapäevaste hallhuntide seas kõige levinum. See värvus on tingitud erinevate geenide alleelide kombinatsioonist, mis annab vöödilise karva. Siberis on kaks genotüübikombinatsiooni, mis annavad selle värvi pealpool, kuid nende genotüüpide vahel on väikesed fenotüübilised erinevused, mis põhjustavad selle värvi varieerumist. Em aguutil on vähemalt nina ja huulte ümber tugev must mask, kuid see võib ulatuda ka silmadele. Nende genotüüpidega karvadel võib olla kaks kuni viis+ laineala. Nende genotüüpide pigmendi ümberlülitumist võivad mõjutada paljud tegurid, nagu vanus, toitumine, karvkatte pikkus, aastaaeg, tervis jne.
Jou-Lii, minu sõstrasilmne neiu. Kui Jou-Lii sulle otsa vaatab siis võid nendesse silmadesse uppuda. Oma nime sai Jou-Lii ühest minu lemmiklaulust, Dolly Parton - Joulene: httpJs:// Minu süda kulub talle ja tema süda kuulub mulle. Jou-Lii on väike aga väga kiire emane tööliini siberi haski, kes teeb oma tööd täie tõsidusega, vahepeal on tunne, et ta enne langeb surnult maha kui vedamise järgi jätab. Kui Karmen esimest korda kasutas Jou-Liid juhtkoerana siis rajalt naastes ütles ühe sõna: "Wow"! Jou-Lii on lihtsalt armastusväärne ja võidab kohe ka kõigi kenneli külaliste südamed. Ta lihtsalt paneb oma käpad su peale ja vaatab sügavalt-sügavalt silma. Kennelis on ta kõikide teiste emastega pigem alandlik aga oma "sõbranna" Ronjaga jooksevad ühe ringi kõrvu koos turjad püsti, siis saavutatakse mingi sõnatu kokkulepe ja rahu maapeal. Kui seenele lähen siis Jou-Lii on üks koertest kes alati kaasa saab sest minust kaugele ta ei lähe ja poole sõna pealt kuulab käsklust SIIA. :) Mida üldiselt ühele siberi haskile on väga raske selgeks õpetada. Jou-Lii on Papsu õde, kaks oraanži koera, koos tulid nad minu juurde maailma teise külje pealt. :) Väga oodatud kutsikad olid nad. Mõlemale sobivad oraanži värvi rakmed ja kaelarihmad, siis need on nad ka saanud. Jou-Lii on läbinud PKKK töökatsed suurepärase tulemusega: VEO-1. Positsioon rakendis - juhtkoer. Iseloom - armastusväärne :)
[:en]ALWAYS WINS VIVA LA VIDA - EST-01241/19 - Jou-Lii
b. 08.07.2018 v. LUMIKIISAN HUSKY WAUDE m. ARE TO RUN OLIVE color: Agouti Genotype: E/- ky/ky aw/- B/- or Em/- ky/ky aw/- B/- A locus haplotype: VP2 HCP2
Agouti is an ancestral phenotype and is the most common in modern grey wolves. This color is due to a combination of alleles at different genes that gives a banded coat. There are two genotype combinations that give this color in Siberians which are denoted above, however there are minor phenotypic differences between these genotypes resulting in variation in this color. The Em agouti has a heavy black mask around the nose and lips at minimum, but may extend to cover the eyes as well. Hairs can show anywhere from two to five+ bands with these genotypes. Note that a root band, or dark color along the base of the hair, does not need to be present for this color. Many factors can affect pigment switching on these genotypes such as age, diet, length of coat, season, health, etc.
Jou-Lii my currant-eyed girl. When Jou-Lii looks at you, you can drown in those eyes. Jou-Lii got its name from one of my favorite songs, Dolly Parton - Joulene: My heart belongs to him and his heart belongs to me. Jou-Lii is a small but very fast working-line siberian husky female who does her work with all seriousness. She will drop dead sooner than she will stop the pulling. When Karmen used Jou-Lii as a lead dog for the first time, she said one word when returning from the track: "Wow"! Jou-Lii is simply lovable and immediately wins the hearts of all kennel guests. He just puts his paws on you and looks deep-deep into your eyes. In the kennel, she is rather humble with all the other females, but with her "girlfriend" Ronja, they run with their withers up for a round, then a kind of unspoken agreement is reached and peace on earth is achieved. When I go to pick the mushrooms, Jou-Lii is one of the dogs who always comes with me because he doesn't go far from me and listens to the command HERE after half a word. :) Which is generally very difficult to teach for a siberian husky. Jou-Lii is Papsu's sister, together they came to me from the other side of the world, two orange dogs. The orange harnesses they wear suit them very well. :) They were very welcome puppies. Jou-Lii has passed the PKKK work tests with an excellent result: VEO-1. Position in the application - leader dog. Character - lovable, sweet, gentle :)
b. 10.06.2020
EST-00352/22 s. 10.06.2020 i. MARS ULTOR TANK e. SOULRAYS MOTOKO
Capu on üks ilus tüdruk kellega meil on suured plaanid :) Capu sai võistlusvanusesse 2022 talvel ja esimesena võttis osa 150km pikkusest pikamaavõistlusest "Talvõtii". Capu on kõrge jala ja pika sabaga sale tüdruk. :) Arvan, et ei eksi kui ütlen, et ta on kõige kõrgema turjaga emane koer meie kennelis. Vaatamata oma noorele eale proovib ta kennelis alfaemase kohta juba endale nõuda. Kui aias ringi silkab siis teeb ainult temale omapärast peenikest ininat nii, et kogu aeg pean küsima: "Capu, mis sa inised?" Kõige rohkem tema juures meeldib mulle tema jooksutehnika. Võiks öelda, et tal on voolav tehnika. Väga äge! Capu isa - TANK koos oma perenaise Anna Glasunovaga on mitmekordne maailmameister ja Venemaa meister. Nii, et Capu kannab endas väga häid geene. 2023 aastal on plaanis temalt üks pesakond võtta. Aga alati ütlen oma noorele sõbrale, et jumal taevas naerab kui inimene plaane teeb. Elame näeme! :)
b. 10.06.2020
Capu is a beautiful girl with whom we have big plans :)
Capu reached competition age in the winter of 2022 and was the first to take a part
from the 150km long distance race "Talvõtii".
Capu is a slender girl with tall legs and a long tail. :)
I think it is not wrong to say that she is the female dog with the highest withers in our kennel.
Despite his young age, he is already trying to claim the place of alpha female in the kennel.
When he wanders around in the garden, he makes his peculiar thin voice,
that all the time I have to ask: "Capu, what are you doing?"
What I like most about him is his running technique.
You could say he has a very nice flowing technique.
Capu's father - TANK, together with his owner Anna Glasunova,
is a multiple world champion and Russian champion.
So Capu carries very good genes.
In 2023, it is planned to take one litter from him.
But I always tell my young friend that God in heaven laughs when a human makes a plans.
Let's wait and see![:]