b. 18.02.2022
v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle
m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii
color: Agouti
Genotype: E/- ky/ky aw/- B/- or Em/- ky/ky aw/- B/- A locus haplotype: VP2 HCP2
Agouti is an ancestral phenotype and is the most common in modern grey wolves. This color is due to a combination of alleles at different genes that gives a banded coat. There are two genotype combinations that give this color in Siberians which are denoted above, however there are minor phenotypic differences between these genotypes resulting in variation in this color. The Em agouti has a heavy black mask around the nose and lips at minimum, but may extend to cover the eyes as well. Hairs can show anywhere from two to five+ bands with these genotypes. Note that a root band, or dark color along the base of the hair, does not need to be present for this color. Many factors can affect pigment switching on these genotypes such as age, diet, length of coat, season, health, etc.
NIKELBACK was my favorite as soon as he was born, as soon as I saw him I said he is mine 🙂 NIKI has been very expressive, indulgent and friendly with everyone since he was little puppy. If there is a game going on somewhere, NIKI will definitely be a part of it. Even the puppies of the other litter are a friends. The game partners are sister Ellu and friend Willy Wonka. However, what you can’t see with the naked eye, but the camera captures such expressions that you’ll go crazy. In the meantime, I call him bunny boy because no one has so long rear legs as NIKI. If while walking I feel that someone’s head is placed in my hand, then I can close my eyes and say that it is NIKI who came to ask for his strokes, he gets a lot of them. 🙂
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b. 10.06.2020
EST-00352/22 s. 10.06.2020 i. MARS ULTOR TANK e. SOULRAYS MOTOKO
Capu on üks ilus tüdruk kellega meil on suured plaanid :) Capu sai võistlusvanusesse 2022 talvel ja esimesena võttis osa 150km pikkusest pikamaavõistlusest "Talvõtii". Capu on kõrge jala ja pika sabaga sale tüdruk. :) Arvan, et ei eksi kui ütlen, et ta on kõige kõrgema turjaga emane koer meie kennelis. Vaatamata oma noorele eale proovib ta kennelis alfaemase kohta juba endale nõuda. Kui aias ringi silkab siis teeb ainult temale omapärast peenikest ininat nii, et kogu aeg pean küsima: "Capu, mis sa inised?" Kõige rohkem tema juures meeldib mulle tema jooksutehnika. Võiks öelda, et tal on voolav tehnika. Väga äge! Capu isa - TANK koos oma perenaise Anna Glasunovaga on mitmekordne maailmameister ja Venemaa meister. Nii, et Capu kannab endas väga häid geene. 2023 aastal on plaanis temalt üks pesakond võtta. Aga alati ütlen oma noorele sõbrale, et jumal taevas naerab kui inimene plaane teeb. Elame näeme! :)
b. 10.06.2020
Capu is a beautiful girl with whom we have big plans :)
Capu reached competition age in the winter of 2022 and was the first to take a part
from the 150km long distance race "Talvõtii".
Capu is a slender girl with tall legs and a long tail. :)
I think it is not wrong to say that she is the female dog with the highest withers in our kennel.
Despite his young age, he is already trying to claim the place of alpha female in the kennel.
When he wanders around in the garden, he makes his peculiar thin voice,
that all the time I have to ask: "Capu, what are you doing?"
What I like most about him is his running technique.
You could say he has a very nice flowing technique.
Capu's father - TANK, together with his owner Anna Glasunova,
is a multiple world champion and Russian champion.
So Capu carries very good genes.
In 2023, it is planned to take one litter from him.
But I always tell my young friend that God in heaven laughs when a human makes a plans.
Let's wait and see![:]
s. 15.10.2017
Limpsi on efektse välimusega väikest kasvu emane haski. Veab tublisti ja kiiresti, liini lonti ei lase. Limpsi on universaalne koer, saan teda laenata ükskõik kellele ja Limpsi teeb ausalt oma töö alati ära. Suures rakendis jookseb Limpsi enamasti kuskil keskel aga ta on ka täiesti võimeline iseseisvalt rakendit juhtima.
s. 15.10.2017
Limpsi is a small female husky with an impressive look. Moves well and quickly, does not let the line loose. Limpsi is a universal dog, I can lend him to anyone, and Limpsi always does his job honestly. In a big team, Limpsi usually runs somewhere in the middle, but she is also fully capable of lead the team independently.[:]
KOER - PROFESSOR EESTI TŠEMPION EKL PKKK - VEO3s. 14.12.2015 Pärilike silmahaiguste uuring - leiuta Düsplaasia -A/A Küünarliigeste uuring - 0/0
Meie kenneli matriarh, kõikeide ema ja kõikide vanaema. Ei oskagi öelda millega me tema ära teenisime aga elu lihtsalt tõi ta meie juurde - UKRAINAST, täiesti juhuslikult. Aga elu pidigi juhustest koosnema. Minu armas vanaonu Hamburgist armastas rääkida lugu vana Kreeka mütoloogiast. Elas kord vanas Kreekas poiss nimega Kairos(juhus, võimalus, saatus). Kairosel oli selline soeng, et ees oli väike juuksetukk ja tagant kiilas. Kairose said kätte ainult siis kui kasutasid juhust kui ta sulle vastu tuli ja haarasid tukast. Kui Kairos juba möödas oli siis võisid paljast pealage tagantpoolt krabada nii palju tahtsid aga kätte teda enam ei saanud. Vot selline lugu. Täna on Ronja aretaja Ukrainas koos oma suure kenneliga sõjapõgenik. :( Kui kellelgi on kennelis sõnaõigust siis Ronjal. Ronja võib ainuüksi oma pilguga teise koera pikali panna, Ronja pilk on ka minu FB konto päise foto. Iseloomult nõudlik aga õiglane. Lõrin on kõva aga hambaid kunagi ei kasuta. Kui meil on vaja algajale või lapsele turvaliselt veokoerasporti õpetada siis on Ronja alati esimene valik. Nagu iga haski on ka tema koomik, inimestega ülisõbralik ja mänguhuviline. Isu on tal ülihea nii, et enamus ajast on dieedi peal.
Välimiku - Eesti Tšempion Töökoerana hinnatud Eesti Kennelliidu PKKK poolt VEO3 tiitliga.
Ronja on on puhas aretus- ja töökoer. Vaatamata oma vanusele ja tihedale ajakavale aretuses lööb ta aktiivselt kaasa nii treeningutes kui ka võistlustel. Mitte keegi ei taha nii hirmsasti vedada ja kõige ees olla kui tema. Oma iseloomu, suurust ja veotahet on ta pärandanud kõikidele oma kutsikatele. Välimust annab ta vähe edasi aga selle eest teame, et kutsikatest 99% on välimuselt isasse. Kõigist kutsikatest on sirgunud suurepärased kelgukoerad - kiired ja tugevad.
b. 14.12.2015 DOG - PROFESSOR Estonian Champion EKL PKKK - VEO3 Ronja has passed: research on inherited eye diseases – not found as well as dysplasia tests - clear or A / A, and elbow examination - clear or 0/0.
The matriarch of our kennel, mother and grandmother of all our dogs. I can't say what we did to earn her, but life just brought her to us. If someone has the right to speak in the kennel, she is the one. Ronja can lay down another dog with her gaze. Demanding but fair. Appearance - Estonian Champion Evaluated as a working dog by the Estonian Kennel Club PKK with the title of VEO3. If we need to teach someone dog sport or get a child to ride a dog safely then Ronja is always the first choice. Ronja is pure breeding and working dog. Despite her age and tight schedule, she is actively involved in both training and competitions. No one wants to pull so terribly and in front of everyone as she does. She has passed on her character, size and pulling instincts to all her puppies. She doesn’t give on her look, but we know that 99% of the puppies will look like the father. All puppies are excellent sled dogs - fast and strong.
s. 03.06.2020 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Agirregoikoa DiiDii ei. Reebook`s Ocean
Kui ühest koerast ülivõrdes rääkida siis võib seda teha Hambutust. Hambutu on oma nime saanud multifilmist Lohetaltsutaja, kus vikingpoisi Kokutise lohe nimi on Hambutu. Hea multikas, soovitan vaadata :) Hambutu on üks piklik koer, ta on kõige piklikum koer kes mul on. Hambutust oli juba kutsikaeas aru saada, et ta on sündinud juhtkoer. Ta on väärikas, arukas, mõistlik, aus, õiglane... jne. Ta on veel väga tugev ja kiire. Tema on DS1-s alati minu esimene valik. Võin ainult aimata milleks see koer teisel ja järgnevatel hooaegadel võimeline on, kui juba esimesel hooajal näitab sellist minekut, et oi-oi-oi. Aga elame näeme :)
b. 03.06.2020 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii mv. Reebook`s Ocean
When talking about a dog in a superlative, it can be Toothless. Toothless is named after the cartoon Taming of the Dragon, where the viking boy Kokutis' dragon is named Toothless. Good cartoon, I recommend watching it :) Toothless is an oblong dog, he is the longest dog I have. It was understandable from a puppy age that he was born to be a leader. He is dignified, intelligent, honest, fair...etc. He is very strong and fast. He's always my first choice in DS1. I can guess what this dog is capable of in the following seasons,if already in the first season it shows such progress that oh-oh-oh. But we'll see :)
s. 07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoryia Pride
DiiDii on meie kenneli pärl, lisaks efektsele välimusele on ta ka väga hea veokoer - väga tugev. Diidii on vist ainuke koer keda ma ei ole pidanud ergutama "edasi, edasi, ..." sest tal on alati nelivedu sees, liin pingul ja kogu aeg valmis minema. Rakendis saan teda kasutada nii juhtkoerana kui tagarattana, viimast just tema jõu tõttu, mida tal on rohkem kui mõnel isasel koeral. Diidii on kinkinud meile kaks suurepärast pesakonda, kellest kahe aastased jooksevad juba väga tublisti võistlusrakendites. Minu sõber võttis endale kutsika Diidii pesakonnast just eelpool loetud suurepäraste omaduste pärast ja lisakiituseks veel suurepärase iseloomu tõttu. Omalt poolt võin lisada veel, et Diidii kutsikad on olnud alati efektse värvusega, nad on suured, tugevad, kiired ja väga rahuliku iseloomuga. Preguseks on lapsi laiali suures maailmas - Eestis, Norras, Saksamaal ja Lätis.
Terviseuuringud: pärilik katarakt -leiuta. Auhinnatud EKL PKKK poolt: VEO-1
Foto: Sigrit Keerd
[:en]AGIRREGOIKOA DIIDII - Tiidu - Tuudu - Tutti
(so meny names has she)
b: 07.06.2018 v: Reebook`s Ocean m: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoryia Pride
She is the pearl of our kennel, in addition to her beautiful appearance, she is also a very good sled dog - fast and strong. Diidii is probably the only dog I haven't had to encourage "forward, forward," because she always has four-wheel drive, the line is tight and she is ready to go at all times. In the team, I can use her as both a lead and wheel dog, the latter precisely because of her power, which she has more than some male dogs. Diidii has given us two great litters, of whom the two year olds are already running very well in competitions. My friend took a puppy from Diidi's litter just for the great qualities listed above and for the extra praise because of her great character. For my part, I can add that Diidi's puppies have always had an impressive color, they are big, strong, fast and with a very stable nervous system. By now, the pups are scattered around the world - in Estonia, Norway, Germany and Latvia.
Health examinations: hereditary cataracts – not found. Awarded by EKL PKKK: VEO-1 Photo: Sigrid Keerd
Sünd: 08.04.2019 i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle e: Arctic Storm
Marki on imeilusa aguuti värvusega väikest kasvu isane siberi haski. Aguuti on siberi haski puhul kindlasti minu lemmikvärv. Marki on väga kiire. Juba kahe aastasena võitis ta koos õe Sassenackiga Östersundi 2022 talve MM-il hõbemedali. Vedama hakkas korralikikult alles teisel hooajal. Ette rakendamisel on ta väga emotsionaalne ja võib tühjast palju kisa tekitada. Enne starti hüppab, viskab selja peale nagu krokodill, kisab nagu põrsas keda on ootamatult sülle võetud jne. ehk teeb korraliku etenduse. Tema pärast peab enne starti rakendit kinni hoidma. Kui läheme karjaga aedikusse jooksma siis on Marki ja Nilsson kõige ees ja kiirendusringide eestvedajad, sellega tõmbavad ka kõik teised koerad käima. Kui abikaasa DS2 klassis võistlema läheb siis on Marki esimene valik, raskem küsimus on, et keda kõrvale panna? Kes sellele kiirusele vastu peaks :)
b: 08.04.2019 v: Always Wins Vigo For Erle m: Arctic Storm
Marki is a small male siberian husky with a beautiful agouti color. Agouti is definitely my favorite color for a siberian husky. Marki is very fast. Already at the age of two, he and his sister Sassenack won a silver medal at the 2022 Winter WC in Östersund. It started getting good only in the second season. When we appli Marki in team, he is very emotional and can make a lot of noise out of nowhere. Before the start, he jumps, throws himself on his back like a crocodile, squeals like a piglet that has been suddenly picked up, etc. He can give a real show. Because of him, you have to hold the team before the start. When we go for a run in backyard, Marki and Nilsson are make quick rounds, which also gets all the other dogs going. If the husband goes to compete in the DS2 class, Marki is the first choice, the more difficult question is who to put aside? Who could resist that speed :)
s.07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nilsu on universaalne koer, võin ta sõita anda ükskõik kellele ja ta läheb. Võin ta panna ükskõik kelle kõrvale jooksma ja ta on neutraalne. Võib rakendi juhtkoer olla, kui ka tagarattana rasket tööd teha. Suudab noortega võidu kiirust hoida. Kennelis on alati neutraalne, ei kisu kellegiga tüli. Õhutab kõiki ümber tagahoovi kiireid ringe jooksma. Markiga nad sõbrad ei ole aga koos tehakse aias võidupeale ringe. Nilsson ja Marki on ka sellepärast hea võistluspaar, et mõlemad tahavad teisest kiiremini ja eespool joosta :) Söögiisu on tal mõõdukas, karvkate pigem lühem aga tihe, talvel pole kunagi kahtlustki, et temal külm võiks olla. Igatpidi armastusväärne koer :)
b.07.06.2018 v: Reebook`s Ocean m: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nilsu is a universal dog, I can give him for a ride to anyone and he will go. I can make him run next to anyone and he's neutral. He can be the lead dog of the team, as well as do heavy work in wheel. Can keep up with the youngsters in speed. In the kennel he is always neutral, does not pick a fight with anyone. Encourages everyone to run fast laps around the yard. He is not friends with Marki, but together they run laps in the yard. Nilsson and Marki are also a good competition pair for that reason, that both want to run faster and ahead of the other 🙂 His appetite is moderate, his coat is rather short but dense, in winter there is never any doubt that he could be cold. A lovable dog in every way 🙂