b. 03.06.2020
v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle
m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii mv. Reebook`s Ocean
When talking about a dog in a superlative, it can be Toothless.
Toothless is named after the cartoon Taming of the Dragon,
where the viking boy Kokutis’ dragon is named Toothless.
Good cartoon, I recommend watching it 🙂
Toothless is an oblong dog, he is the longest dog I have.
It was understandable from a puppy age that he was born to be a leader.
He is dignified, intelligent, honest, fair…etc.
He is very strong and fast.
He’s always my first choice in DS1.
I can guess what this dog is capable of in the following
seasons,if already in the first season it shows such
progress that oh-oh-oh.
But we’ll see 🙂
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s: 08.04.2019 i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle e: Arctic Storm
Koer kelle poole pöördudes kasutan lauset "Tinnu, minu elu, minu süda". Päriselt! Tintinnabuli on väga eriline koer. Et temast saab rakendi juht, oli juba kutsikaeas näha. Tintinnabuli on väga ilusa kehaehitusega keskmist kasvu isane koer. Tintinnabuli on erakordse inteligentsiga, esimesel aastal tegi ta tööd rakendi tagumises paaris. Ootamatult tekkis situatsioon, kus oli vaja juhtkoer välja vahetada ja asemele panime Tintinnabuli. Siis selgus, et ta ei ole lihtne veokoer vaid sündinud liider. Ta oli taga töötades meelde jätnud kõik käsklused ja juhtis rakendit nagu vana juhtkoer. Töötamise ajal on Tintinnabuli lojaalne ja aus. Päris oma jooksu leidis kolmandal hooajal ja minek on võimas. Ta võib tööd teha rakendi kõikidel positsioonidel. Meie jaoks on ta A rakendi võistluskoer nii lühikestel kui pikematel distantsidel. Karvkate on lühike, kuid hea aluskarvaga. Sotsiaalselt karjas on Tintinnabuli üks juhtisase kohta tahtev noor isane. Ta on õiglane ja saab kõigiga hästi läbi. Tinnu on üks koertest kelle loovutasin Silverile, saab ka natuke tirri lasta :) Aga mulle on kasvamas üks Tintinnabuli kutsikas - Willy Wonka - kellest suure tõenäosusega kasvab veelgi võimsam veokoer kui papa Tinnu. :)
b: 08.04.2019 v: Always Wins Vigo For Erle m: Arctic Storm
A dog to whom I use the phrase "Tinu, my life, my heart". Really! Tintinnabuli is a very special dog. That he would become the leader of the team was already visible in his puppyhood. Tintinnabuli is a medium-sized male dog with a very beautiful build. Tintinnabuli is exceptionally intelligent, in the first year he worked in the back pair of the team. Unexpectedly, a situation arose where it was necessary to replace the leader dog, and we replaced it with Tintinnabul. Then it turned out that he is not a simple back wheele dog, but a born leader. He had memorized all the commands while working in the back and led the team like an old leader dog. While working, Tintinnabuli is loyal and honest. It really found its run in the third season and the going is powerful. He can work in all positions of the team. For us, he is a competition dog of the A team at both short and long distances. The coat is short, but with a good undercoat. In the pride, Tintinnabuli is one young male who wants to be the leader. He is fair and gets along well with everyone. Tinnu is one of the dogs that I gave to Silver, but I have a Tintinnabul puppy - Willy Wonka - who will most likely grow into an even more powerful dog as papa Tinnu. :)
s. 15.10.2017
Limpsi on efektse välimusega väikest kasvu emane haski. Veab tublisti ja kiiresti, liini lonti ei lase. Limpsi on universaalne koer, saan teda laenata ükskõik kellele ja Limpsi teeb ausalt oma töö alati ära. Suures rakendis jookseb Limpsi enamasti kuskil keskel aga ta on ka täiesti võimeline iseseisvalt rakendit juhtima.
s. 15.10.2017
Limpsi is a small female husky with an impressive look. Moves well and quickly, does not let the line loose. Limpsi is a universal dog, I can lend him to anyone, and Limpsi always does his job honestly. In a big team, Limpsi usually runs somewhere in the middle, but she is also fully capable of lead the team independently.[:]
Vigo, Viksu, Viku, Papsu, Paps, Papsik, PapaFigo, Papageeno... Heal lapsel mitu nime :) Kõikide nende nimedega ma Papsikut kutsungi ja kõikidele nendele nimedele Papsu reageerib ka. :) Paps tuli meie kennelisse kaugelt, võib vabalt öelda, et teiselt poolt maakera. Tema ja õde Jou-Lii olid väga oodatud ning ootama pidime kaua. See oli üks parimaid otsuseid kenneli aretuse jaoks. Enamus noori koeri kennelis on Papsu pojad, seepärast teda Papsuks kutsungi. :) Kui Paps on kiire siis pojad on veel kiiremad ja jõulisemad. PapaVigo peab end päris sirgu juba ajama, et ikka lastele veel paremat eeskuju näidata. Mulle meeldib, et Viksu annab edasi oma kiirust, iseloomu ja värvust. Aguuti on isiklikult minu lemmikvärv. Karvkate on Papsul lühike, kevadel on ta esimene kes talvekarva lahti laseb ja see käib ruttu vaid mõne päevaga ja puhas. Kui millegi kallal nuriseda siis on see söögiisu. Papsik on suhteliselt niru sööja ja tihtipeale ta oma portsu lõpuni ei söö. Viksu oli minu NR 1, kuni abikaasa hakkas nurisema, et tema tahaks ka võistlustel võita ja nii ma loovutasin Papsu raske südamega temale. Aga mul on minu noored, kes on juba sama head kui nende Papsik :)
EST-01242/19 b. 08.07.2018 v. LUMIKIISAN HUSKY WAUDE m. ARE TO RUN OLIVE
Vigo, Viksu, Viku, Papsu, Paps, Papsik, PapaFigo, Papageeno... Many names for a good child 🙂 I call Papsiku by all these names and Papsu also responds to all these names. 🙂 Paps came to our kennel from far away, we can safely say that from the other side of the world. He and his sister Jou-Lii were very welcome and we had to wait a long time. It was one of the best decisions for the kennel in terms of breeding. Most of the young dogs in the kennel are sons of Papsu, that's why I call him Papsu. 🙂 If Paps is fast, his sons are even faster and stronger. PapaVigo really needs to run hard, to show the children an even better example. I like that Viksu gives on his speed, character and color. Agouti is my personal favorite color. Papsu's coat is short, in the spring he is the first to shed his winter coat and it goes quickly in just a few days. If there's one thing to grumble about, it's his appetite. Papsik is a relatively picky eater and often does not finish his portion. Viksu was my number 1 until my husband started grumbling that he would also like to win in competitions and so I surrendered Papsu to him with a heavy heart. But I have my youngsters who are already as good as their Papsik 🙂
EST-03858/18 s. 07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e. Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nuuno on meie kenneli kõige häbelikum koer. Ta on kõige suurem töömees kui hoo sisse saab. Olen temaga vist kõige rohkem võistelnud kui kellegi teisega. Start on tema häbelikkuse pärast nõrk koht aga, kui hoog juba sees siis on nagu igiliikur, kes isegi mäest ülesse ei jää traavi. Nagu piltidelt näha saab peale minu edukalt ka teistega võistelda. Kõige parem on teda kasutada DS2 distsipliinides, sest talle annab julgust mõte, et kõrval jookseb teine koer. Siis valimegi tavaliselt Nuunole kõrvale mõne väikse ja kiire emase nagu Jou-Lii või Käts. Kutsikana ei olnud ta üldse arg. Argus tuli peale ühes treeningus juhtunud õnnetust. Sellega ma tõendan oma väidet, et arad koerad ei sünni, vaid koeraga peab olema mingi trauma seotud. Muidu on ta üks väga nunnu Nuuno! :)
EST-03858/18 b. 07.06.2018 v: Reebook's Ocean m. Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nuuno is the shyest dog in our kennel. He is the biggest worker when he gets going. I've probably competed with him more than with anyone else. Start is a weak spot because of his shyness, butwhen the momentum is already there, it's like a perpetual motion machine, who doesn't stop galloping even up the hill. As you can see from the pictures, he can successfully compete with others besides me. He is best used in DS2 Disciplines, because the thought of another dog running next to him gives him courage. Then we usually choose a small and fast female like Jou-Lii or Käts next to Nuuno. As a puppy, he was not at all timid. The shynes came after an accident in one of the training sessions. With this I prove my statement that fearful dogs are not born, but there must be some trauma related to the dog. Otherwise, he is one very cute Nuuno! 🙂
s. 07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoryia Pride
DiiDii on meie kenneli pärl, lisaks efektsele välimusele on ta ka väga hea veokoer - väga tugev. Diidii on vist ainuke koer keda ma ei ole pidanud ergutama "edasi, edasi, ..." sest tal on alati nelivedu sees, liin pingul ja kogu aeg valmis minema. Rakendis saan teda kasutada nii juhtkoerana kui tagarattana, viimast just tema jõu tõttu, mida tal on rohkem kui mõnel isasel koeral. Diidii on kinkinud meile kaks suurepärast pesakonda, kellest kahe aastased jooksevad juba väga tublisti võistlusrakendites. Minu sõber võttis endale kutsika Diidii pesakonnast just eelpool loetud suurepäraste omaduste pärast ja lisakiituseks veel suurepärase iseloomu tõttu. Omalt poolt võin lisada veel, et Diidii kutsikad on olnud alati efektse värvusega, nad on suured, tugevad, kiired ja väga rahuliku iseloomuga. Preguseks on lapsi laiali suures maailmas - Eestis, Norras, Saksamaal ja Lätis.
Terviseuuringud: pärilik katarakt -leiuta. Auhinnatud EKL PKKK poolt: VEO-1
Foto: Sigrit Keerd
[:en]AGIRREGOIKOA DIIDII - Tiidu - Tuudu - Tutti
(so meny names has she)
b: 07.06.2018 v: Reebook`s Ocean m: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoryia Pride
She is the pearl of our kennel, in addition to her beautiful appearance, she is also a very good sled dog - fast and strong. Diidii is probably the only dog I haven't had to encourage "forward, forward," because she always has four-wheel drive, the line is tight and she is ready to go at all times. In the team, I can use her as both a lead and wheel dog, the latter precisely because of her power, which she has more than some male dogs. Diidii has given us two great litters, of whom the two year olds are already running very well in competitions. My friend took a puppy from Diidi's litter just for the great qualities listed above and for the extra praise because of her great character. For my part, I can add that Diidi's puppies have always had an impressive color, they are big, strong, fast and with a very stable nervous system. By now, the pups are scattered around the world - in Estonia, Norway, Germany and Latvia.
Health examinations: hereditary cataracts – not found. Awarded by EKL PKKK: VEO-1 Photo: Sigrid Keerd
EST-02552/20 s. 29.03.2020 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Arctic Storm
Üliaktiivne. Oma aktiivsusega oli ta kutsikana üks vastik nähvits. Igalpool risti jalus, igal pool ees, alati nõudis tähelepanu. Vaatas sulle suu sisse ja ütles: "Peremees anna ainult käsk, ma täidan kõik su soovid" Kus sa tahad, et ma kõnnin? Kas sinu ees, või taga või äkki kõrval aga kummal pool... Kas tahad ma ajan teised ära? Kas tahad ma kraabin sulle augu aia alla? Tahad ma teen kõige kiiremaid ringe ümber sinu? Tahad ma närin su käsi, ah ei taha. 5 sekundit hiljem: "aga nüüd..." Trois: "Emme vaata kui kiire ma olen, ma olek kõigist ees! Vaata ma hüppan kahe meetri pealt boxi. Kuule emme, sa pole mind vastavalt etiketile veel tervitanud. Kas see ilane koer tülitab sind, tahad hammustan teda? Miks sa midagi ei taha?" Jne, jne... Haski kellega võiks agilitit proovida.
Jah, ja teate mis juhtus kui ta treeningutes hakkas käima? Kogu see üleliigne energia rakendus ja mul on üks ütlemata kiire koer, kelle liini mina tühjaks vändata ei jõua. :) Ja kui nad vennaga(Hei Hopsti Väikevend) kahekesi DS2 ees on siis täiesti võitmatu paar :) Ühesõnaga superman või superdog, ainult keep selja pealt on puudu. :)
EST-02552/20 b. 29.03.2020 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Arctic Storm
Hyperactive. With his activity, he was a nasty little bitch as a puppy. Everywhere underfoot, everywhere blocking the way, always demanding attention. He looked into your mouth and said: "Mom, just give the order, I will fulfill all your wishes" Where do you want me to walk? Either in front of you, or behind you, or maybe next to you, but on which side... Do you want me to drive the others away? Do you want me to dig a hole under the fence for you? Do you want me to do the fastest laps around you? Do you want me to chew your hand, ah I don't want to. 5 seconds later: "but now..." Trois: "Mommy, look how fast I am, I'm ahead of everyone!" “Look, I'm jumping onto the box from two meters.” “Hey mommy, you haven't greeted me according to the etiquette yet.” “Is that slobbery dog bothering you, do you want me to bite him?” “Why don't you want anything?” Etc, etc… Haski with whom you could try agility. Yes, and do you know what happened when he started training? All this excess energy found an outlet and I have one incredibly fast dog, whose line I can't pedal slack. 🙂 And when he and his brother (Hey Hopsti Väikevend) are in front of DS2, they are an absolutely unbeatable pair 🙂 In short, superman or superdog, only the cape on the back is missing. 🙂
[:]Agirregoikoa AC/DC Thunderstruck
[:et]Sünd: 03.06.2020
i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle
e: Agirregoikoa DiiDii
AC/DC on edev sprinteri kehaehitusega tööliini siberi haski, kes on pärinud 100% emapoolse vanaisa Reebook`s Ocean välimuse. Ta elava loomuga, uudishimulik ja mänguhimuline noor koer kes karjas endale liiga teha ei lase. ACDC on rakendis tööd teinud alles paar kuud. Nagu paljud noored koerad, nii ACDC laseb ennast raja kõrval toimuvast veel ahvatleda ja imetleks heameelega vahepeal mõnda liblikat lilleõiel või püüaks kraavis krõbistavat hiirt :) Praegu on näha, et temast tuleb kahtlemata väga kiire koer aga elame näeme :)[:en]
Born: 03.06.2020 EST-03048/20 s: Always Wins Vigo For Erle m: Agirregoikoa DiiDii
AC / DC is a charming Siberian Husky with a sprinter body and a look that he has inherited 100% from his maternal grandfather Reebook's Ocean. He is a lively, curious and playful young dog but he does not let others walk over him in the pack. AC/DC has only been working in the team for a few months. Like many young dogs, AC/DC allows himself to be tempted by things happening beside the trail and would gladly admire some butterflies or try to chase a mouse.[:]AGIRREGOIKOA EILEEN GU – EST-01835/22