b. 08.07.2018
color: Agouti
Genotype: E/- ky/ky aw/- B/- or Em/- ky/ky aw/- B/-
A locus haplotype: VP2 HCP2
Agouti is an ancestral phenotype and is the most common in modern grey wolves. This color is due to a combination of alleles at different genes that gives a banded coat. There are two genotype combinations that give this color in Siberians which are denoted above, however there are minor phenotypic differences between these genotypes resulting in variation in this color. The Em agouti has a heavy black mask around the nose and lips at minimum, but may extend to cover the eyes as well. Hairs can show anywhere from two to five+ bands with these genotypes. Note that a root band, or dark color along the base of the hair, does not need to be present for this color. Many factors can affect pigment switching on these genotypes such as age, diet, length of coat, season, health, etc.
Jou-Lii my currant-eyed girl. When Jou-Lii looks at you, you can drown in those eyes.
Jou-Lii got its name from one of my favorite songs, Dolly Parton – Joulene:
My heart belongs to him and his heart belongs to me. Jou-Lii is a small but very fast working-line siberian husky female who does her work with all seriousness. She will drop dead sooner than she will stop the pulling. When Karmen used Jou-Lii as a lead dog for the first time, she said one word when returning from the track: “Wow”! Jou-Lii is simply lovable and immediately wins the hearts of all kennel guests. He just puts his paws on you and looks deep-deep into your eyes. In the kennel, she is rather humble with all the other females, but with her “girlfriend” Ronja, they run with their withers up for a round, then a kind of unspoken agreement is reached and peace on earth is achieved. When I go to pick the mushrooms, Jou-Lii is one of the dogs who always comes with me because he doesn’t go far from me and listens to the command HERE after half a word. 🙂 Which is generally very difficult to teach for a siberian husky. Jou-Lii is Papsu’s sister, together they came to me from the other side of the world, two orange dogs. The orange harnesses they wear suit them very well. 🙂 They were very welcome puppies.
Jou-Lii has passed the PKKK work tests with an excellent result: VEO-1.
Position in the application – leader dog.
Character – lovable, sweet, gentle 🙂
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s. 18.02.2022 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Agirregoikoa DiiDii värvus: Aguuti Genotüüp: E/- ky/ky aw/- B/- või Em/- ky/ky aw/- B/- lookuse haplotüüp: VP2 HCP2
Aguuti on esivanemate fenotüüp ja on tänapäevaste hallhuntide seas kõige levinum. See värvus on tingitud erinevate geenide alleelide kombinatsioonist, mis annab vöödilise karva. Siberis on kaks genotüübikombinatsiooni, mis annavad selle värvi pealpool, kuid nende genotüüpide vahel on väikesed fenotüübilised erinevused, mis põhjustavad selle värvi varieerumist. Em aguutil on vähemalt nina ja huulte ümber tugev must mask, kuid see võib ulatuda ka silmadele. Nende genotüüpidega karvadel võib olla kaks kuni viis+ laineala. Nende genotüüpide pigmendi ümberlülitumist võivad mõjutada paljud tegurid, nagu vanus, toitumine, karvkatte pikkus, aastaaeg, tervis jne.
NIKELBACK oli kohe sündides minu lemmik, niipea kui teda nägin ütlesin, et ta on minu :) NIKI on väiksest saati olnud väga ilmekas, leplik ja sõbralik kõigiga. Kui kuskil käib mäng siis kindlasti on NIKI seal osaline. Isegi teise pesakonna kutsikatega on sõber ja elavadki koos Willy Wonkaga ühes kennelis. Mängupartnerid on õde Ellu ja sõber Willy Wonka. Palja silmaga ei näe aga kaamera võtab kiirvõttega ülesse selliseid ilmeid, et mine hulluks. Kutsun teda vahepeal jänkupoisiks sest kellelgi ei ole nii pikki tagumisi koibi kui NIKIL. Kui kõndides tunnen, et kellegi pea pannakse mulle pihku siis võin silmad kinni öelda, et see on NIKI kes oma paisid tuli küsima, neid ta ka saab ohtralt. :)
b. 18.02.2022 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii color: Agouti
Genotype: E/- ky/ky aw/- B/- or Em/- ky/ky aw/- B/- A locus haplotype: VP2 HCP2 Agouti is an ancestral phenotype and is the most common in modern grey wolves. This color is due to a combination of alleles at different genes that gives a banded coat. There are two genotype combinations that give this color in Siberians which are denoted above, however there are minor phenotypic differences between these genotypes resulting in variation in this color. The Em agouti has a heavy black mask around the nose and lips at minimum, but may extend to cover the eyes as well. Hairs can show anywhere from two to five+ bands with these genotypes. Note that a root band, or dark color along the base of the hair, does not need to be present for this color. Many factors can affect pigment switching on these genotypes such as age, diet, length of coat, season, health, etc.
NIKELBACK was my favorite as soon as he was born, as soon as I saw him I said he is mine :) NIKI has been very expressive, indulgent and friendly with everyone since he was little puppy. If there is a game going on somewhere, NIKI will definitely be a part of it. Even the puppies of the other litter are a friends. The game partners are sister Ellu and friend Willy Wonka. However, what you can't see with the naked eye, but the camera captures such expressions that you'll go crazy. In the meantime, I call him bunny boy because no one has so long rear legs as NIKI. If while walking I feel that someone's head is placed in my hand, then I can close my eyes and say that it is NIKI who came to ask for his strokes, he gets a lot of them. :)
sĂĽnd: 08.04.2019 e: Arctic Storm i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle
Catness on väga ilusa ekstrejööriga, kuiva kehaehitusega, kiire ja ilmeka väljanägemisega noor emane tööliini siberi haski. Kui tekib vajadus kedagi kiiret ratta ette leida siis valime just tema. Iseloomult on Kätu ülisõbralik lipitseja, kui nii võib öelda. Karjas toimetab pigem omaette. Jalutusringi esimeses pooles on ta kuhugi kadunud aga teises pooles läheneb mulle iga 100 meetri tagant, peas moosivarga nägu ja nõuab oma silitused kätte. :) Rakendis teeb ausalt tööd ja võib joosta nii liidri positsioonil kui ka taga pool. Sel hooajal käis mingi krõps ja Kätu muutus ideaalseks liiderkoeraks, täidab koerajuhi käsklused poolelt sõnalt. Ja kuna ta on ka väga kiire siis enamus treeningud ja võistlused jookseb Kätu liidri positsioonil. Kui plaanid täide lähevad, siis plaanime temalt tulevikus ühte pesakonda kutsikaid.
b: 08.04.2019 e: Arctic Storm i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle
Catness is a young female working-line siberian husky with a very beautiful exterior, dry build, quick and expressive appearance. If there is a need to find someone fast in front of the team, we choose him. By nature, Kätu is a very friendly slob, if you can say so. In pride rather delivers on his own. In the first half of the walk, he has disappeared somewhere, but in the second half, he approaches me every 100 meters with the face of a jam thief on his head and demands his petting. :) In team she works honestly and can run both in the leader's position and in the back wheels. This season, something happend and Kätu turned into an ideal leader dog, she listens and reads commands immediately and correctly. And since Kätu runs in the team leading position in most training sessions and competitions. If the plans come true, we are planning one litter of puppies from him in the future.
[:]ARCTIC STORM – EST-01676/18
TORMI, TORMAJA, TOBUTORMI... Tormi on jäle hea laps kellel mitu nime :) Kui tahaks naerda siis võib natuke aega Tormit jälgida ja kindlasti saab naerda. Legendaarsed on Tobutormi ja tema õe Limpsi stardid, kahekesi on nad nagu pingpongi pallid, kes ei jõua stardipauku ära oodata. Tormajal on väga vinge jooksutehnika, selline voolav ja lisaks veel meeletu jooksutahe. Praegused meie parimad võistluskoerad nagu Tintinaabuli, Marki(2022 Östersundi MM hõbe DS2), Sassenack(2022 Östersundi MM hõbe DS2) ja Catness on Tormi kutsikad. Pesakonna viies kutsikas rändas Moskvasse kus on juba korra võitnud Venemaa meistrivõistlused. Tormi annab kutsikatele edasi oma jooksustiili ja see meile meeldib. ;) Tormi on suuruselt üks väiksem emane koer meie kennelis. Kui ühe koera kohta võib öelda koerkloun siis on see kindlasti Tormaja. :)
[:en]ARCTIC STORM - EST-01676/18
TORMI, TORMAJA, TOBUTORMI... Tormi is agen a good child with many names :) If you want to laugh, you can watch Tormi for a while and you will definitely laugh. The starts of Tobutormi and his sister Limpsi are legendary, together they are like ping-pong balls they can't wait for the start. Tormaja has a very good running technique, such a flowing and she has an insane will to run. Our current best competition dogs like Tintinaabuli, Marki (2022 Ă–stersund WC silver DS2), Sassenack (2022 Ă–stersund WC silver DS2) and Catness are Torm`s puppies. The fifth puppy of the litter traveled to Moscow, where he has already won the Russian championship. Tormi gives his running style to the puppies and we love it. ;) Tormi is the smallest female dog in our kennel. If one dog can be called a dog clown, it is definitely Tormaja. :)
Vigo, Viksu, Viku, Papsu, Paps, Papsik, PapaFigo, Papageeno... Heal lapsel mitu nime :) Kõikide nende nimedega ma Papsikut kutsungi ja kõikidele nendele nimedele Papsu reageerib ka. :) Paps tuli meie kennelisse kaugelt, võib vabalt öelda, et teiselt poolt maakera. Tema ja õde Jou-Lii olid väga oodatud ning ootama pidime kaua. See oli üks parimaid otsuseid kenneli aretuse jaoks. Enamus noori koeri kennelis on Papsu pojad, seepärast teda Papsuks kutsungi. :) Kui Paps on kiire siis pojad on veel kiiremad ja jõulisemad. PapaVigo peab end päris sirgu juba ajama, et ikka lastele veel paremat eeskuju näidata. Mulle meeldib, et Viksu annab edasi oma kiirust, iseloomu ja värvust. Aguuti on isiklikult minu lemmikvärv. Karvkate on Papsul lühike, kevadel on ta esimene kes talvekarva lahti laseb ja see käib ruttu vaid mõne päevaga ja puhas. Kui millegi kallal nuriseda siis on see söögiisu. Papsik on suhteliselt niru sööja ja tihtipeale ta oma portsu lõpuni ei söö. Viksu oli minu NR 1, kuni abikaasa hakkas nurisema, et tema tahaks ka võistlustel võita ja nii ma loovutasin Papsu raske südamega temale. Aga mul on minu noored, kes on juba sama head kui nende Papsik :)
EST-01242/19 b. 08.07.2018 v. LUMIKIISAN HUSKY WAUDE m. ARE TO RUN OLIVE
Vigo, Viksu, Viku, Papsu, Paps, Papsik, PapaFigo, Papageeno... Many names for a good child 🙂 I call Papsiku by all these names and Papsu also responds to all these names. 🙂 Paps came to our kennel from far away, we can safely say that from the other side of the world. He and his sister Jou-Lii were very welcome and we had to wait a long time. It was one of the best decisions for the kennel in terms of breeding. Most of the young dogs in the kennel are sons of Papsu, that's why I call him Papsu. 🙂 If Paps is fast, his sons are even faster and stronger. PapaVigo really needs to run hard, to show the children an even better example. I like that Viksu gives on his speed, character and color. Agouti is my personal favorite color. Papsu's coat is short, in the spring he is the first to shed his winter coat and it goes quickly in just a few days. If there's one thing to grumble about, it's his appetite. Papsik is a relatively picky eater and often does not finish his portion. Viksu was my number 1 until my husband started grumbling that he would also like to win in competitions and so I surrendered Papsu to him with a heavy heart. But I have my youngsters who are already as good as their Papsik 🙂
EST-02553/20 s. 29.03.2020 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Arctic Storm
Hopsti on koer kelle ees pean vabandust paluma. Kui ta sündis oli ta väike ja äbarik, sellepärast hakkasin teda Väikevennaks kutsuma. Kahe kuuselt otsustasin Hopsti ära müüa, ostja oli Venemaalt, kui 2020 aastal puhkes esimene koroona pandeemia ja piirid Venemaaga suleti, otsisin transporti maa-alt ja maa-pealt, kuid asjata, piirid olid raudsed, uut omanikku ma aktiivselt enam ei otsinud ja nii jäi Hopsti mulle. Koer kellest ma ei oodanud palju, koer kes jäi müümata, koer kes iseloomu ega välimuse poolest mu lemmik ei olnud, koer kes noris pidevalt teistega tüli, koer kes kargutas kõike mis liigub, koer kes oli pigem arg, koer kes käsklustest välja ei teinud, koer kes...jne. Nüüd pean oma sõnu sööma ja Hei- Hopsti, palun kõigi mõtete eest vabandust, võtan kõik sõnad tagasi - sa oled parim! Kõik eelpool loetletud miinused muutusid päeva pealt nagu võluvitsaga löödult plussideks. Küsite kuidas? Vastus - ma ei tea. Nagu oleks õhtul keegi sõrmi nipsutanud ja hommikul oli teistsugune koer. Nii kiiret teist pole olemas! Hei hopstit kutsun veel ruuduliseks koeraks, ta on kõige ruudulisem koer minu kennelis :)
[:en]AGIRREGOIKOA LUCKNAM PARK - "Hey Hopsti Little Brother"
EST-02553/20 b. 29.03.2020 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Arctic Storm
Hopsti is a dog I have to apologize to. When he was born he was small and clumsy, that's why I started calling him Little Brother. At the age of two months, I decided to sell Hopsti, the buyer was from Russia, but when the first corona pandemic broke out in 2020 and the borders with Russia were closed, I looked for transport underground and above ground, but in vain, the borders were iron, I was no longer actively looking for a new owner, and so Hopsti stayed with me. The dog I didn't expect much from, the dog that was not sold, the dog that was not my favorite in terms of character or appearance, the dog that constantly quarrels with others, the dog that clawed at everything that moved, the dog who was rather a coward, the dog that didn't obey commands, the dog who…etc. Now I have to eat my words and Hey- Hopsti, sorry for all the thoughts, I take back all the words - you are the best! All the cons listed above turned into pros overnight. You ask how? Answer - I don't know. As if someone had snapped their fingers in the evening and there was a different dog in the morning. There is no other so fast as him! I call hopsti a square, he is the most square dog in my kennel 🙂
EST-03050/20 s: 03.06.2020 i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle e: Agirregoikoa DiiDii ei: Reebook`s Ocean
"RAPSU" on kahtlemata suuretulevikuga väga noor koer, kes jooksis 2022 aasta veebruari kuust on esimestel võistlustel. Ta on suur, tugev ja kiire. Nii nagu kõik noored koerad jooksis ka tema esimesel hooajal tagarattana aga hooaja lõpus oli võimeline juba iseseisvalt rakendit juhtima nii, et suure tõenäosusega saab temast ka suurepärane juhtkoer. Mis mulle tema juures eriti meeldib on Rapsu sõbralikkus nii täiskasvanud koerte kui ka kutsikate suhtes- ta on valmis mängima kõigiga, ta on väga sotsiaalne ja käib perepojaga koos külapeal tšillimas :) Oma sini-pruunide silmadega ja must-oraanži värvusega on rapsu üks väga nägus noormees :)
EST-03050/20 v: 03.06.2020 m: Always Wins Vigo For Erle e: Agirregoikoa DiiDii mv: Reebook`s Ocean
"RAPSU" is undoubtedly a young dog with a great future. He is big, strong and fast. He started racing in 2022 February and like all young dogs, he ran his first season in wheel position, but at the end of the season he was already able to run in lead and he will most likely become an excellent lead dog in the future. What I especially like about him is Rapsu's friendliness towards both adult dogs and puppies- he is happy to play with everyone, he is very social and goes chilling with our son in the village 🙂 Rapsu is a very handsome young man with his blue-brown eyes and black-orange color 🙂
s. 07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoryia Pride
DiiDii on meie kenneli pärl, lisaks efektsele välimusele on ta ka väga hea veokoer - väga tugev. Diidii on vist ainuke koer keda ma ei ole pidanud ergutama "edasi, edasi, ..." sest tal on alati nelivedu sees, liin pingul ja kogu aeg valmis minema. Rakendis saan teda kasutada nii juhtkoerana kui tagarattana, viimast just tema jõu tõttu, mida tal on rohkem kui mõnel isasel koeral. Diidii on kinkinud meile kaks suurepärast pesakonda, kellest kahe aastased jooksevad juba väga tublisti võistlusrakendites. Minu sõber võttis endale kutsika Diidii pesakonnast just eelpool loetud suurepäraste omaduste pärast ja lisakiituseks veel suurepärase iseloomu tõttu. Omalt poolt võin lisada veel, et Diidii kutsikad on olnud alati efektse värvusega, nad on suured, tugevad, kiired ja väga rahuliku iseloomuga. Preguseks on lapsi laiali suures maailmas - Eestis, Norras, Saksamaal ja Lätis.
Terviseuuringud: pärilik katarakt -leiuta. Auhinnatud EKL PKKK poolt: VEO-1
Foto: Sigrit Keerd
[:en]AGIRREGOIKOA DIIDII - Tiidu - Tuudu - Tutti
(so meny names has she)
b: 07.06.2018 v: Reebook`s Ocean m: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoryia Pride
She is the pearl of our kennel, in addition to her beautiful appearance, she is also a very good sled dog - fast and strong. Diidii is probably the only dog I haven't had to encourage "forward, forward," because she always has four-wheel drive, the line is tight and she is ready to go at all times. In the team, I can use her as both a lead and wheel dog, the latter precisely because of her power, which she has more than some male dogs. Diidii has given us two great litters, of whom the two year olds are already running very well in competitions. My friend took a puppy from Diidi's litter just for the great qualities listed above and for the extra praise because of her great character. For my part, I can add that Diidi's puppies have always had an impressive color, they are big, strong, fast and with a very stable nervous system. By now, the pups are scattered around the world - in Estonia, Norway, Germany and Latvia.
Health examinations: hereditary cataracts – not found. Awarded by EKL PKKK: VEO-1 Photo: Sigrid Keerd