b. 15.10.2017
Tormi is agen a good child with many names 🙂
If you want to laugh, you can watch Tormi for a while and you will definitely laugh. The starts of Tobutormi and his sister Limpsi are legendary, together they are like ping-pong balls they can’t wait for the start. Tormaja has a very good running technique, such a flowing and she has an insane will to run. Our current best competition dogs like Tintinaabuli, Marki (2022 Östersund WC silver DS2), Sassenack (2022 Östersund WC silver DS2) and Catness are Torm`s puppies. The fifth puppy of the litter traveled to Moscow, where he has already won the Russian championship. Tormi gives his running style to the puppies and we love it. 😉 Tormi is the smallest female dog in our kennel. If one dog can be called a dog clown, it is definitely Tormaja. 🙂
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s. 03.06.2020 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Agirregoikoa DiiDii ei. Reebook`s Ocean
Kui ühest koerast ülivõrdes rääkida siis võib seda teha Hambutust. Hambutu on oma nime saanud multifilmist Lohetaltsutaja, kus vikingpoisi Kokutise lohe nimi on Hambutu. Hea multikas, soovitan vaadata :) Hambutu on üks piklik koer, ta on kõige piklikum koer kes mul on. Hambutust oli juba kutsikaeas aru saada, et ta on sündinud juhtkoer. Ta on väärikas, arukas, mõistlik, aus, õiglane... jne. Ta on veel väga tugev ja kiire. Tema on DS1-s alati minu esimene valik. Võin ainult aimata milleks see koer teisel ja järgnevatel hooaegadel võimeline on, kui juba esimesel hooajal näitab sellist minekut, et oi-oi-oi. Aga elame näeme :)
b. 03.06.2020 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii mv. Reebook`s Ocean
When talking about a dog in a superlative, it can be Toothless. Toothless is named after the cartoon Taming of the Dragon, where the viking boy Kokutis' dragon is named Toothless. Good cartoon, I recommend watching it :) Toothless is an oblong dog, he is the longest dog I have. It was understandable from a puppy age that he was born to be a leader. He is dignified, intelligent, honest, fair...etc. He is very strong and fast. He's always my first choice in DS1. I can guess what this dog is capable of in the following seasons,if already in the first season it shows such progress that oh-oh-oh. But we'll see :)
s.07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nilsu on universaalne koer, võin ta sõita anda ükskõik kellele ja ta läheb. Võin ta panna ükskõik kelle kõrvale jooksma ja ta on neutraalne. Võib rakendi juhtkoer olla, kui ka tagarattana rasket tööd teha. Suudab noortega võidu kiirust hoida. Kennelis on alati neutraalne, ei kisu kellegiga tüli. Õhutab kõiki ümber tagahoovi kiireid ringe jooksma. Markiga nad sõbrad ei ole aga koos tehakse aias võidupeale ringe. Nilsson ja Marki on ka sellepärast hea võistluspaar, et mõlemad tahavad teisest kiiremini ja eespool joosta :) Söögiisu on tal mõõdukas, karvkate pigem lühem aga tihe, talvel pole kunagi kahtlustki, et temal külm võiks olla. Igatpidi armastusväärne koer :)
b.07.06.2018 v: Reebook`s Ocean m: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nilsu is a universal dog, I can give him for a ride to anyone and he will go. I can make him run next to anyone and he's neutral. He can be the lead dog of the team, as well as do heavy work in wheel. Can keep up with the youngsters in speed. In the kennel he is always neutral, does not pick a fight with anyone. Encourages everyone to run fast laps around the yard. He is not friends with Marki, but together they run laps in the yard. Nilsson and Marki are also a good competition pair for that reason, that both want to run faster and ahead of the other 🙂 His appetite is moderate, his coat is rather short but dense, in winter there is never any doubt that he could be cold. A lovable dog in every way 🙂
EST-02553/20 s. 29.03.2020 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Arctic Storm
Hopsti on koer kelle ees pean vabandust paluma. Kui ta sündis oli ta väike ja äbarik, sellepärast hakkasin teda Väikevennaks kutsuma. Kahe kuuselt otsustasin Hopsti ära müüa, ostja oli Venemaalt, kui 2020 aastal puhkes esimene koroona pandeemia ja piirid Venemaaga suleti, otsisin transporti maa-alt ja maa-pealt, kuid asjata, piirid olid raudsed, uut omanikku ma aktiivselt enam ei otsinud ja nii jäi Hopsti mulle. Koer kellest ma ei oodanud palju, koer kes jäi müümata, koer kes iseloomu ega välimuse poolest mu lemmik ei olnud, koer kes noris pidevalt teistega tüli, koer kes kargutas kõike mis liigub, koer kes oli pigem arg, koer kes käsklustest välja ei teinud, koer kes...jne. Nüüd pean oma sõnu sööma ja Hei- Hopsti, palun kõigi mõtete eest vabandust, võtan kõik sõnad tagasi - sa oled parim! Kõik eelpool loetletud miinused muutusid päeva pealt nagu võluvitsaga löödult plussideks. Küsite kuidas? Vastus - ma ei tea. Nagu oleks õhtul keegi sõrmi nipsutanud ja hommikul oli teistsugune koer. Nii kiiret teist pole olemas! Hei hopstit kutsun veel ruuduliseks koeraks, ta on kõige ruudulisem koer minu kennelis :)
[:en]AGIRREGOIKOA LUCKNAM PARK - "Hey Hopsti Little Brother"
EST-02553/20 b. 29.03.2020 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Arctic Storm
Hopsti is a dog I have to apologize to. When he was born he was small and clumsy, that's why I started calling him Little Brother. At the age of two months, I decided to sell Hopsti, the buyer was from Russia, but when the first corona pandemic broke out in 2020 and the borders with Russia were closed, I looked for transport underground and above ground, but in vain, the borders were iron, I was no longer actively looking for a new owner, and so Hopsti stayed with me. The dog I didn't expect much from, the dog that was not sold, the dog that was not my favorite in terms of character or appearance, the dog that constantly quarrels with others, the dog that clawed at everything that moved, the dog who was rather a coward, the dog that didn't obey commands, the dog who…etc. Now I have to eat my words and Hey- Hopsti, sorry for all the thoughts, I take back all the words - you are the best! All the cons listed above turned into pros overnight. You ask how? Answer - I don't know. As if someone had snapped their fingers in the evening and there was a different dog in the morning. There is no other so fast as him! I call hopsti a square, he is the most square dog in my kennel 🙂
s. 07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoryia Pride
DiiDii on meie kenneli pärl, lisaks efektsele välimusele on ta ka väga hea veokoer - väga tugev. Diidii on vist ainuke koer keda ma ei ole pidanud ergutama "edasi, edasi, ..." sest tal on alati nelivedu sees, liin pingul ja kogu aeg valmis minema. Rakendis saan teda kasutada nii juhtkoerana kui tagarattana, viimast just tema jõu tõttu, mida tal on rohkem kui mõnel isasel koeral. Diidii on kinkinud meile kaks suurepärast pesakonda, kellest kahe aastased jooksevad juba väga tublisti võistlusrakendites. Minu sõber võttis endale kutsika Diidii pesakonnast just eelpool loetud suurepäraste omaduste pärast ja lisakiituseks veel suurepärase iseloomu tõttu. Omalt poolt võin lisada veel, et Diidii kutsikad on olnud alati efektse värvusega, nad on suured, tugevad, kiired ja väga rahuliku iseloomuga. Preguseks on lapsi laiali suures maailmas - Eestis, Norras, Saksamaal ja Lätis.
Terviseuuringud: pärilik katarakt -leiuta. Auhinnatud EKL PKKK poolt: VEO-1
Foto: Sigrit Keerd
[:en]AGIRREGOIKOA DIIDII - Tiidu - Tuudu - Tutti
(so meny names has she)
b: 07.06.2018 v: Reebook`s Ocean m: Hilde Cold Heart Viktoryia Pride
She is the pearl of our kennel, in addition to her beautiful appearance, she is also a very good sled dog - fast and strong. Diidii is probably the only dog I haven't had to encourage "forward, forward," because she always has four-wheel drive, the line is tight and she is ready to go at all times. In the team, I can use her as both a lead and wheel dog, the latter precisely because of her power, which she has more than some male dogs. Diidii has given us two great litters, of whom the two year olds are already running very well in competitions. My friend took a puppy from Diidi's litter just for the great qualities listed above and for the extra praise because of her great character. For my part, I can add that Diidi's puppies have always had an impressive color, they are big, strong, fast and with a very stable nervous system. By now, the pups are scattered around the world - in Estonia, Norway, Germany and Latvia.
Health examinations: hereditary cataracts – not found. Awarded by EKL PKKK: VEO-1 Photo: Sigrid Keerd
b. 10.06.2020
EST-00352/22 s. 10.06.2020 i. MARS ULTOR TANK e. SOULRAYS MOTOKO
Capu on üks ilus tüdruk kellega meil on suured plaanid :) Capu sai võistlusvanusesse 2022 talvel ja esimesena võttis osa 150km pikkusest pikamaavõistlusest "Talvõtii". Capu on kõrge jala ja pika sabaga sale tüdruk. :) Arvan, et ei eksi kui ütlen, et ta on kõige kõrgema turjaga emane koer meie kennelis. Vaatamata oma noorele eale proovib ta kennelis alfaemase kohta juba endale nõuda. Kui aias ringi silkab siis teeb ainult temale omapärast peenikest ininat nii, et kogu aeg pean küsima: "Capu, mis sa inised?" Kõige rohkem tema juures meeldib mulle tema jooksutehnika. Võiks öelda, et tal on voolav tehnika. Väga äge! Capu isa - TANK koos oma perenaise Anna Glasunovaga on mitmekordne maailmameister ja Venemaa meister. Nii, et Capu kannab endas väga häid geene. 2023 aastal on plaanis temalt üks pesakond võtta. Aga alati ütlen oma noorele sõbrale, et jumal taevas naerab kui inimene plaane teeb. Elame näeme! :)
b. 10.06.2020
Capu is a beautiful girl with whom we have big plans :)
Capu reached competition age in the winter of 2022 and was the first to take a part
from the 150km long distance race "Talvõtii".
Capu is a slender girl with tall legs and a long tail. :)
I think it is not wrong to say that she is the female dog with the highest withers in our kennel.
Despite his young age, he is already trying to claim the place of alpha female in the kennel.
When he wanders around in the garden, he makes his peculiar thin voice,
that all the time I have to ask: "Capu, what are you doing?"
What I like most about him is his running technique.
You could say he has a very nice flowing technique.
Capu's father - TANK, together with his owner Anna Glasunova,
is a multiple world champion and Russian champion.
So Capu carries very good genes.
In 2023, it is planned to take one litter from him.
But I always tell my young friend that God in heaven laughs when a human makes a plans.
Let's wait and see![:]
s: 08.04.2019 i: Always Wins Vigo for Erle e. Arctic Storm
Sassenack on äärmiselt võimekas, jõuline ja kiire, pigem suuremat kasvu emane siberi haski. Ta on selline emane kes on võimeline isastega võrdselt tööd tegema. 2022 hooajal ainult kahe aastasena saavutasid nad koos venna Remarque ja Silveriga Östersundi MM-il hõbemedali. Sassuga on meil 2023 aasta kevasdeks päris kindlad aretusplaanid, kosjas käidud ja väljavalitu olemas väga kaugel Eestist. Kutsikad on plaanis enamus endale jätta, sõltub mitu sünnib ja siis otsustame mitu loovutusse anname. :) Aga ühest veel sündimata pesakonnast nii õhinas nagu praegu veel olnud ei ole. :) Oma üliaktiivsele iseloomule veab rakendit pigem taga pool, kuid suudab vabalt ka rakendi juhtkoer olla. Ta on hea söögiisuga ja kiiresti kosuv, väga kerge on teda üle sööta. Peame tema dieeti natuke rangemalt järgima kui teistel koertel. Sassenacki üks vendadest(Turbo) on Venemaal suures spordis ja tuli juba 2021 aastal DS1 RBN klassis Venemaa meistriks. Sassu vennad on veel Tintinabuli ja Marki.
b: 08.04.2019 v: Always Wins Vigo For Erle m: Arctic Storm
Sassenack is an extremely capable, strong and fast, rather larger female Siberian husky. She is the kind of female who is able to work equally with males. In the 2022 season, as only two years old, together with their brother Remarque and Silver, they won a silver medal at the Östersund WC. With Sassu, we have very definite breeding plans for the spring of 2023, we have courted and our lover is very far from Estonia. We plan to keep most of the puppies, it depends on how many are born and then we will decide how many we will donate. :) But I've never been so excited about a yet-to-be-born litter. :) Sassu has a very active nature, in the team is rather the back wheele, but can also freely be the teams's lead dog. He has a good appetite and recovers quickly, it is very easy to overfeed him. We have to follow his diet a bit more strictly than other dogs. One of Sassenack's brothers (Turbo) is in big sports in Russia and already became the Russian champion in the DS1 RBN class in year 2021.
Vigo, Viksu, Viku, Papsu, Paps, Papsik, PapaFigo, Papageeno... Heal lapsel mitu nime :) Kõikide nende nimedega ma Papsikut kutsungi ja kõikidele nendele nimedele Papsu reageerib ka. :) Paps tuli meie kennelisse kaugelt, võib vabalt öelda, et teiselt poolt maakera. Tema ja õde Jou-Lii olid väga oodatud ning ootama pidime kaua. See oli üks parimaid otsuseid kenneli aretuse jaoks. Enamus noori koeri kennelis on Papsu pojad, seepärast teda Papsuks kutsungi. :) Kui Paps on kiire siis pojad on veel kiiremad ja jõulisemad. PapaVigo peab end päris sirgu juba ajama, et ikka lastele veel paremat eeskuju näidata. Mulle meeldib, et Viksu annab edasi oma kiirust, iseloomu ja värvust. Aguuti on isiklikult minu lemmikvärv. Karvkate on Papsul lühike, kevadel on ta esimene kes talvekarva lahti laseb ja see käib ruttu vaid mõne päevaga ja puhas. Kui millegi kallal nuriseda siis on see söögiisu. Papsik on suhteliselt niru sööja ja tihtipeale ta oma portsu lõpuni ei söö. Viksu oli minu NR 1, kuni abikaasa hakkas nurisema, et tema tahaks ka võistlustel võita ja nii ma loovutasin Papsu raske südamega temale. Aga mul on minu noored, kes on juba sama head kui nende Papsik :)
EST-01242/19 b. 08.07.2018 v. LUMIKIISAN HUSKY WAUDE m. ARE TO RUN OLIVE
Vigo, Viksu, Viku, Papsu, Paps, Papsik, PapaFigo, Papageeno... Many names for a good child 🙂 I call Papsiku by all these names and Papsu also responds to all these names. 🙂 Paps came to our kennel from far away, we can safely say that from the other side of the world. He and his sister Jou-Lii were very welcome and we had to wait a long time. It was one of the best decisions for the kennel in terms of breeding. Most of the young dogs in the kennel are sons of Papsu, that's why I call him Papsu. 🙂 If Paps is fast, his sons are even faster and stronger. PapaVigo really needs to run hard, to show the children an even better example. I like that Viksu gives on his speed, character and color. Agouti is my personal favorite color. Papsu's coat is short, in the spring he is the first to shed his winter coat and it goes quickly in just a few days. If there's one thing to grumble about, it's his appetite. Papsik is a relatively picky eater and often does not finish his portion. Viksu was my number 1 until my husband started grumbling that he would also like to win in competitions and so I surrendered Papsu to him with a heavy heart. But I have my youngsters who are already as good as their Papsik 🙂