Kelgukoerte hooaeg 2024/2025 nüüd avatud!
Sulle avaneb kelgukoerte võlumaailm!
Saad täiusliku ülevaate kelgukoerte elust ja sõidukogemuse, mis ei unune iial!
Külastuse kestvus 1,5 tundi ja sisaldab järgmisi tegevusi:
– koertega tutvumine
– koerte ettevalmistamine, rakmetesse panemine ja sõiduvahendi ette rakendamine
– 1,5 km sõitu igale külalisele
– peale sõitu lõõgastav jalutuskäik koertega, külalistel on võimalik koeri paitada ja nendega mängida, saad valida oma lemmiku ja teha selfisid
– fotosessioon koos koertega
- lõõgastume kuuma tee või kohviga
Kui on lumi maas siis toimuvad sõidud kelguga. Ilma lumeta toimub sõit spetsiaalse ratastega käruga.
Hinnad alates 70€
Beebid (0-3a) 0€
Lapsed (4-12a) 70€
Noorukid (13-18a) 90€
Täiskasvanud 120€
Gruppidele küsige pakkumist!
Lapsega peab koos sõitma vähemalt üks täiskasvanu.
Aja broneerimiseks helista või kirjuta allolevatele kontaktidele:
Tel: +37256648117
WhatsUp: +37256648117
E-post: agirrehuskyd@gmail.com
Aadress: Viira, Kolga küla, Nõo vald, Tartumaa
Sõidud toimuvad temperatuuridel alla +15
[:en]The sled dog season 2024/2025 is open!
The magnificent life of Siberian Huskies from Kennel Agirregoikoa in Tartu County, Estonia!
The guests of our sled dog kennel get a perfect overview, unforgettable driving experience of the life and activities of working Siberian Huskies. Your contact with dogs is very close.
The visit lasts 1,5 hours and includes the following activities:
– introduction of the kennel and the dogs
– getting the dogs ready for harness
– 1.5 km ride for each guest
– after the ride, a walk with the dogs, guests can pet the dogs, choose their favorite and take selfies
– group photo with you and with your favorite dog.
- relaxing with hot tea or kofe.
Prices from 70€
Babies (0-3 years) 0€
Children (4-12 years) 70€
Youth (13-18 years) 90€
Adults 120€
For groups please ask for offer!
To book an appointment, call or write to the contacts below and we will arrange a suitable time.
Phone: +37256648117
WhatsUp: +37256648117
Email: agirrehuskyd@gmail.com
Adres: Viira, Kolga village, Nõo parish, Tartumaa
Estonian, English, German, Russian
Pick-up within the city of Tartu is included in the price.
If you want us to pick you up in the city of Tartu, please send us the exact address and we will wait for you at the agreed time at the address you provided.
You can get from Tallinn to Tartu very easily. One option is to take a very comfortable bus which runs every hour. More information: www.https://luxexpress.eu/en/
Another option is to take a train to Tartu and if you wish, you can also go directly to our Nõo train station, where we are already waiting for you. More information: https://elron.ee/en
Wheelchair accessible
NB! Rides with sled takes place if there is snow. If there is no snow, the ride takes place with a wheeled cart.
NB! Rides take place at temperatures below +15C, in this case, only a kennel visit can take place.