b. 18.02.2022
v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle
m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii
color: Agouti
Genotype: E/- ky/ky aw/- B/- or Em/- ky/ky aw/- B/- A locus haplotype: VP2 HCP2
Agouti is an ancestral phenotype and is the most common in modern grey wolves. This color is due to a combination of alleles at different genes that gives a banded coat. There are two genotype combinations that give this color in Siberians which are denoted above, however there are minor phenotypic differences between these genotypes resulting in variation in this color. The Em agouti has a heavy black mask around the nose and lips at minimum, but may extend to cover the eyes as well. Hairs can show anywhere from two to five+ bands with these genotypes. Note that a root band, or dark color along the base of the hair, does not need to be present for this color. Many factors can affect pigment switching on these genotypes such as age, diet, length of coat, season, health, etc.
NIKELBACK was my favorite as soon as he was born, as soon as I saw him I said he is mine 🙂 NIKI has been very expressive, indulgent and friendly with everyone since he was little puppy. If there is a game going on somewhere, NIKI will definitely be a part of it. Even the puppies of the other litter are a friends. The game partners are sister Ellu and friend Willy Wonka. However, what you can’t see with the naked eye, but the camera captures such expressions that you’ll go crazy. In the meantime, I call him bunny boy because no one has so long rear legs as NIKI. If while walking I feel that someone’s head is placed in my hand, then I can close my eyes and say that it is NIKI who came to ask for his strokes, he gets a lot of them. 🙂
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EST-03858/18 s. 07.06.2018 i: Reebook`s Ocean e. Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nuuno on meie kenneli kõige häbelikum koer. Ta on kõige suurem töömees kui hoo sisse saab. Olen temaga vist kõige rohkem võistelnud kui kellegi teisega. Start on tema häbelikkuse pärast nõrk koht aga, kui hoog juba sees siis on nagu igiliikur, kes isegi mäest ülesse ei jää traavi. Nagu piltidelt näha saab peale minu edukalt ka teistega võistelda. Kõige parem on teda kasutada DS2 distsipliinides, sest talle annab julgust mõte, et kõrval jookseb teine koer. Siis valimegi tavaliselt Nuunole kõrvale mõne väikse ja kiire emase nagu Jou-Lii või Käts. Kutsikana ei olnud ta üldse arg. Argus tuli peale ühes treeningus juhtunud õnnetust. Sellega ma tõendan oma väidet, et arad koerad ei sünni, vaid koeraga peab olema mingi trauma seotud. Muidu on ta üks väga nunnu Nuuno! :)
EST-03858/18 b. 07.06.2018 v: Reebook's Ocean m. Hilde Cold Heart Viktoriya Pride
Nuuno is the shyest dog in our kennel. He is the biggest worker when he gets going. I've probably competed with him more than with anyone else. Start is a weak spot because of his shyness, butwhen the momentum is already there, it's like a perpetual motion machine, who doesn't stop galloping even up the hill. As you can see from the pictures, he can successfully compete with others besides me. He is best used in DS2 Disciplines, because the thought of another dog running next to him gives him courage. Then we usually choose a small and fast female like Jou-Lii or Käts next to Nuuno. As a puppy, he was not at all timid. The shynes came after an accident in one of the training sessions. With this I prove my statement that fearful dogs are not born, but there must be some trauma related to the dog. Otherwise, he is one very cute Nuuno! 🙂
KOER - PROFESSOR EESTI TŠEMPION EKL PKKK - VEO3s. 14.12.2015 Pärilike silmahaiguste uuring - leiuta Düsplaasia -A/A Küünarliigeste uuring - 0/0
Meie kenneli matriarh, kõikeide ema ja kõikide vanaema. Ei oskagi öelda millega me tema ära teenisime aga elu lihtsalt tõi ta meie juurde - UKRAINAST, täiesti juhuslikult. Aga elu pidigi juhustest koosnema. Minu armas vanaonu Hamburgist armastas rääkida lugu vana Kreeka mütoloogiast. Elas kord vanas Kreekas poiss nimega Kairos(juhus, võimalus, saatus). Kairosel oli selline soeng, et ees oli väike juuksetukk ja tagant kiilas. Kairose said kätte ainult siis kui kasutasid juhust kui ta sulle vastu tuli ja haarasid tukast. Kui Kairos juba möödas oli siis võisid paljast pealage tagantpoolt krabada nii palju tahtsid aga kätte teda enam ei saanud. Vot selline lugu. Täna on Ronja aretaja Ukrainas koos oma suure kenneliga sõjapõgenik. :( Kui kellelgi on kennelis sõnaõigust siis Ronjal. Ronja võib ainuüksi oma pilguga teise koera pikali panna, Ronja pilk on ka minu FB konto päise foto. Iseloomult nõudlik aga õiglane. Lõrin on kõva aga hambaid kunagi ei kasuta. Kui meil on vaja algajale või lapsele turvaliselt veokoerasporti õpetada siis on Ronja alati esimene valik. Nagu iga haski on ka tema koomik, inimestega ülisõbralik ja mänguhuviline. Isu on tal ülihea nii, et enamus ajast on dieedi peal.
Välimiku - Eesti Tšempion Töökoerana hinnatud Eesti Kennelliidu PKKK poolt VEO3 tiitliga.
Ronja on on puhas aretus- ja töökoer. Vaatamata oma vanusele ja tihedale ajakavale aretuses lööb ta aktiivselt kaasa nii treeningutes kui ka võistlustel. Mitte keegi ei taha nii hirmsasti vedada ja kõige ees olla kui tema. Oma iseloomu, suurust ja veotahet on ta pärandanud kõikidele oma kutsikatele. Välimust annab ta vähe edasi aga selle eest teame, et kutsikatest 99% on välimuselt isasse. Kõigist kutsikatest on sirgunud suurepärased kelgukoerad - kiired ja tugevad.
b. 14.12.2015 DOG - PROFESSOR Estonian Champion EKL PKKK - VEO3 Ronja has passed: research on inherited eye diseases – not found as well as dysplasia tests - clear or A / A, and elbow examination - clear or 0/0.
The matriarch of our kennel, mother and grandmother of all our dogs. I can't say what we did to earn her, but life just brought her to us. If someone has the right to speak in the kennel, she is the one. Ronja can lay down another dog with her gaze. Demanding but fair. Appearance - Estonian Champion Evaluated as a working dog by the Estonian Kennel Club PKK with the title of VEO3. If we need to teach someone dog sport or get a child to ride a dog safely then Ronja is always the first choice. Ronja is pure breeding and working dog. Despite her age and tight schedule, she is actively involved in both training and competitions. No one wants to pull so terribly and in front of everyone as she does. She has passed on her character, size and pulling instincts to all her puppies. She doesn’t give on her look, but we know that 99% of the puppies will look like the father. All puppies are excellent sled dogs - fast and strong.
[:]Agirregoikoa AC/DC Thunderstruck
[:et]Sünd: 03.06.2020
i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle
e: Agirregoikoa DiiDii
AC/DC on edev sprinteri kehaehitusega tööliini siberi haski, kes on pärinud 100% emapoolse vanaisa Reebook`s Ocean välimuse. Ta elava loomuga, uudishimulik ja mänguhimuline noor koer kes karjas endale liiga teha ei lase. ACDC on rakendis tööd teinud alles paar kuud. Nagu paljud noored koerad, nii ACDC laseb ennast raja kõrval toimuvast veel ahvatleda ja imetleks heameelega vahepeal mõnda liblikat lilleõiel või püüaks kraavis krõbistavat hiirt :) Praegu on näha, et temast tuleb kahtlemata väga kiire koer aga elame näeme :)[:en]
Born: 03.06.2020 EST-03048/20 s: Always Wins Vigo For Erle m: Agirregoikoa DiiDii
AC / DC is a charming Siberian Husky with a sprinter body and a look that he has inherited 100% from his maternal grandfather Reebook's Ocean. He is a lively, curious and playful young dog but he does not let others walk over him in the pack. AC/DC has only been working in the team for a few months. Like many young dogs, AC/DC allows himself to be tempted by things happening beside the trail and would gladly admire some butterflies or try to chase a mouse.[:]AGIRREGOIKOA HIKIMI WASABI – EST-01832/22
s.18.02.2022 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Agirregoikoa DiiDii värvus: Punane KB Domino Tanpoint (ametlik nimi puudub) Genotüüp: eA/- KB/- at/- b/b Red Tanpoint (ametlik nimi puudub) Genotüüp: E/- ky/ky at/- B/- lookuse haplotüüp: VP2 HCP3-5 Selle värvusega koerad on täpselt nagu mustal põhinev versioon, kuid must pigment on nüüd pruun.
WASABI on tõsine poiss, väga harva sekkub tittede(õed-vennad) mängu aga mõnikord ikka. Jälgib vanemaid koeri ja püüab neid jäljendada. See omadus oli kõikidel praegustel juhtkoeradel kutsikana nii, et Vassu on suure tõenäosusega tulevane juhtkoer. Wasabi 2 aastane koopia jookseb praegu Norra radadel ja pidi superkoer olema :) Nii, et ootused tema suhtes on kõrged. Nii suurt kutsikat kui Vassu meil varem olnud ei olegi, sündides kaalus ta 705 grammi, tõeline hiiglane. Ühel pildil seisab ta viiekuusena oma 2 aastase venna AC/DC kõrval - no, napilt jääb veel vennale turjakõrguselt alla. :)
b. 18.02.2022 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii color: Red KB Domino Tanpoint (no official name) Genotype: eA/- KB/- at/- b/b Red Tanpoint (no official name) Genotype: E/- ky/ky at/- B/- locus haplotype: VP2 HCP3-5 Dogs with this color are just like the black-based version, but the black pigment is now brown.
WASABI is a serious boy. Follows older dogs and tries to imitate them. All current lead dogs had this feature as a puppy, so Vassu is most likely a future lead dog. A 2-year-old copy of Wasabi is currently running on Norwegian tracks and whose owners highly praise him. :) So the expectations for him are high. We have never had a puppy as big as Vassu before, when he was born he weighed 705 grams, a real giant. In one of the pictures, he is five months old standing next to his 2-year-old brother AC/DC - well, he's still slightly shorter than his brother in height. :)
s: 08.04.2019 i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle e: Arctic Storm
Koer kelle poole pöördudes kasutan lauset "Tinnu, minu elu, minu süda". Päriselt! Tintinnabuli on väga eriline koer. Et temast saab rakendi juht, oli juba kutsikaeas näha. Tintinnabuli on väga ilusa kehaehitusega keskmist kasvu isane koer. Tintinnabuli on erakordse inteligentsiga, esimesel aastal tegi ta tööd rakendi tagumises paaris. Ootamatult tekkis situatsioon, kus oli vaja juhtkoer välja vahetada ja asemele panime Tintinnabuli. Siis selgus, et ta ei ole lihtne veokoer vaid sündinud liider. Ta oli taga töötades meelde jätnud kõik käsklused ja juhtis rakendit nagu vana juhtkoer. Töötamise ajal on Tintinnabuli lojaalne ja aus. Päris oma jooksu leidis kolmandal hooajal ja minek on võimas. Ta võib tööd teha rakendi kõikidel positsioonidel. Meie jaoks on ta A rakendi võistluskoer nii lühikestel kui pikematel distantsidel. Karvkate on lühike, kuid hea aluskarvaga. Sotsiaalselt karjas on Tintinnabuli üks juhtisase kohta tahtev noor isane. Ta on õiglane ja saab kõigiga hästi läbi. Tinnu on üks koertest kelle loovutasin Silverile, saab ka natuke tirri lasta :) Aga mulle on kasvamas üks Tintinnabuli kutsikas - Willy Wonka - kellest suure tõenäosusega kasvab veelgi võimsam veokoer kui papa Tinnu. :)
b: 08.04.2019 v: Always Wins Vigo For Erle m: Arctic Storm
A dog to whom I use the phrase "Tinu, my life, my heart". Really! Tintinnabuli is a very special dog. That he would become the leader of the team was already visible in his puppyhood. Tintinnabuli is a medium-sized male dog with a very beautiful build. Tintinnabuli is exceptionally intelligent, in the first year he worked in the back pair of the team. Unexpectedly, a situation arose where it was necessary to replace the leader dog, and we replaced it with Tintinnabul. Then it turned out that he is not a simple back wheele dog, but a born leader. He had memorized all the commands while working in the back and led the team like an old leader dog. While working, Tintinnabuli is loyal and honest. It really found its run in the third season and the going is powerful. He can work in all positions of the team. For us, he is a competition dog of the A team at both short and long distances. The coat is short, but with a good undercoat. In the pride, Tintinnabuli is one young male who wants to be the leader. He is fair and gets along well with everyone. Tinnu is one of the dogs that I gave to Silver, but I have a Tintinnabul puppy - Willy Wonka - who will most likely grow into an even more powerful dog as papa Tinnu. :)
s. 03.06.2020 i. Always Wins Vigo For Erle e. Agirregoikoa DiiDii ei. Reebook`s Ocean
Kui ühest koerast ülivõrdes rääkida siis võib seda teha Hambutust. Hambutu on oma nime saanud multifilmist Lohetaltsutaja, kus vikingpoisi Kokutise lohe nimi on Hambutu. Hea multikas, soovitan vaadata :) Hambutu on üks piklik koer, ta on kõige piklikum koer kes mul on. Hambutust oli juba kutsikaeas aru saada, et ta on sündinud juhtkoer. Ta on väärikas, arukas, mõistlik, aus, õiglane... jne. Ta on veel väga tugev ja kiire. Tema on DS1-s alati minu esimene valik. Võin ainult aimata milleks see koer teisel ja järgnevatel hooaegadel võimeline on, kui juba esimesel hooajal näitab sellist minekut, et oi-oi-oi. Aga elame näeme :)
b. 03.06.2020 v. Always Wins Vigo For Erle m. Agirregoikoa DiiDii mv. Reebook`s Ocean
When talking about a dog in a superlative, it can be Toothless. Toothless is named after the cartoon Taming of the Dragon, where the viking boy Kokutis' dragon is named Toothless. Good cartoon, I recommend watching it :) Toothless is an oblong dog, he is the longest dog I have. It was understandable from a puppy age that he was born to be a leader. He is dignified, intelligent, honest, fair...etc. He is very strong and fast. He's always my first choice in DS1. I can guess what this dog is capable of in the following seasons,if already in the first season it shows such progress that oh-oh-oh. But we'll see :)
Sünd: 08.04.2019 i: Always Wins Vigo For Erle e: Arctic Storm
Marki on imeilusa aguuti värvusega väikest kasvu isane siberi haski. Aguuti on siberi haski puhul kindlasti minu lemmikvärv. Marki on väga kiire. Juba kahe aastasena võitis ta koos õe Sassenackiga Östersundi 2022 talve MM-il hõbemedali. Vedama hakkas korralikikult alles teisel hooajal. Ette rakendamisel on ta väga emotsionaalne ja võib tühjast palju kisa tekitada. Enne starti hüppab, viskab selja peale nagu krokodill, kisab nagu põrsas keda on ootamatult sülle võetud jne. ehk teeb korraliku etenduse. Tema pärast peab enne starti rakendit kinni hoidma. Kui läheme karjaga aedikusse jooksma siis on Marki ja Nilsson kõige ees ja kiirendusringide eestvedajad, sellega tõmbavad ka kõik teised koerad käima. Kui abikaasa DS2 klassis võistlema läheb siis on Marki esimene valik, raskem küsimus on, et keda kõrvale panna? Kes sellele kiirusele vastu peaks :)
b: 08.04.2019 v: Always Wins Vigo For Erle m: Arctic Storm
Marki is a small male siberian husky with a beautiful agouti color. Agouti is definitely my favorite color for a siberian husky. Marki is very fast. Already at the age of two, he and his sister Sassenack won a silver medal at the 2022 Winter WC in Östersund. It started getting good only in the second season. When we appli Marki in team, he is very emotional and can make a lot of noise out of nowhere. Before the start, he jumps, throws himself on his back like a crocodile, squeals like a piglet that has been suddenly picked up, etc. He can give a real show. Because of him, you have to hold the team before the start. When we go for a run in backyard, Marki and Nilsson are make quick rounds, which also gets all the other dogs going. If the husband goes to compete in the DS2 class, Marki is the first choice, the more difficult question is who to put aside? Who could resist that speed :)